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Roma History Month

On the occasion of the International Roma Day, we launched the first Roma History Month campaign with our students, which meant that during April 2023, we dedicated the whole month to celebrate the achievements of Roma activists. Our main digital platformshave been TikTok, Facebook and Instagram, in addition we organised the Khetane - Together photo exhibition with three Roma NGOs. Roma people hardly appear on the pages of history books in Hungary, that is why we decided to pay hommage to our Roma heroes, activists, artists, so that the public can learn about their work and carry over their memory.

Khetane – Together Photo Exhibition

The first milestone of the Roma History Month was our Khetane – Together photo exhibition, realised in partnership with UCCU Roma Informal Educational Foundation, Independent Theater Hungary and Romani Design. Besides the individual portraits of the organisations’ colleagues and students, the models wrote the names of activists, artists and professionals with their hand. These Roma people and allies all inspired the new generations and the mission of the participating civil society organisations.

The photos were taken by Zsofia Palyi, Hungarian Press Photo Award winner photographer. Models wore Romani Design outfits at iconic locations that are linked to their operations. On the Romaversitas group picture, you can see (from left to right): Dezdemonda Kovacs, Romaversitas student, Daniel Szocsi, Romaversitas student, Dr. Vivien Brassoi, Romaversitas alumna and board member, Aladar Horvath, Romaversitas board member, Amarillisz Danyi, Romaversitas student.

The International Roma Day was celebrated for the 23rd time in 2023 – memoralising the First Romani World Congress of 1971. Besides reflecting on the years and events that have passed since, it also allows Roma people to come together and plan. All the four participating organisations represent modern, 21st century Roma identity, through various means of activism, namely fostering dialogue between Roma and non-Roma, reducing stereotypes against Roma, and fostering the social and cultural progress of Roma communities.

TikTok portraits

On TikTok, our campaign featured short videos in easier-to-digest formats. We wanted to showcase the work of activists that are no longer with us, such as Jeno Setet, Janos Bogdan, Omara and Bela Osztojkan. The portraits were drawn by Norbert Olah, Romaversitas alumnus, while the texts were written by our students.

@romaversitasA portrét készítette: Oláh Norbert A szöveget felmondta: Iváncsik Fanni♬ Epic Inspiration – DM Production


In our monthly podcast, we invite Roma professionals to discuss about their identity, world views and profession. The aim of the converstations is to highlight the diversity of Hungarian Roma and their various thoughts and views. During the Roma History Month, we launched two extra podcasts, with the aim of presenting the achievements and struggles of previous Roma activist generations. Our first guest was Aladar Horvath, ex-MP and civil society leader that contributed to setting up multiple Roma NGOs, among them Romaversitas. He told about the origions of the current Roma movement in Hungary and his contributions to Roma rights advocacy.

Our other guest was Agnes Daroczi, journalist and activist, who was questioned by Daniel Szocsi, our scholar. She shared interesting stories about her path to the university, her personal motivation and the results of Roma rights struggles.