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Programme for University Students

Based on the most optimistic estimates, the chances of Romani students to get admitted to a university are eight times lower than those of non-Romani students.

Ever since the establishment of Romaversitas, on average 14 students earned a university degree each year.  85% of our students successfully finish their university studies, which is a significant result in the context of systemic racism in Hungary.

Based on our experience, the training programme, the community experience, and the study grant all complement each other on supporting our students at reaching their educational goals:

• the training programme focuses on academic knowledge and soft skills,

• community provides a posse, a safe space to embrace their identity,

• the study grants ensure they concentrate on their studies.

The focus areas of our programme include:


As personal attention is one of the key values of our education programs, we provide mentoring opportunities for our students during their time in academia.

Internship opportunities


We provide paid internships for our students, relevant to their profession and university degree, so that they can gain relevant work experience and have work experience when they start their careers.


Language classes

In Hungary, students must take a language exam to be awarded with their university degree, therefore most of our students in the Programme for University Students attend our English classes.

Romaversitas Sundays

Once every month we organize full-day community and skills-development sessions.

These weekends also provide an opportunity for participants of different programmes to meet each other and Romaversitas alumni.


Systemic racism and the inequalities of the Hungarian education system take a toll on many of our students’ study skills. In case of personal need, we provide them with tutors who help them meet the challenges during their academic programmes.

Study grant

In cooperation with the Roma Education Fund, we provide study grants to programme participants. The grant allows them to better concentrate on their studies and embrace the unique period in their lives that they spend in academia.
Furthermore, they receive IT equipment to ensure better access to education.
Students can also apply for crisis grants.

Mental health consultation

Mental health professionals volunteer their services for our students.