Our vision is a strong Romani intelligentsia that is capable of asserting the interests of Roma communities and creating narratives for Roma People.
Our mission is providing assistance for young Roma to
- acquire academic degrees,
- strengthen their skills,
- shape their identity and
- empower them to build resilient communities.
The future Romani intelligentsia in Hungary needs allies, like you.
Only a strong Romani intelligentsia is capable of changing the paradigm and self-defining the narratives of Romani communities, which is essential for lasting social change.
If you are committed to social justice and believe that providing access to quality education helps balancing systemic inequalities, donate to Romaversitas. Your contribution empowers Roma communities by making sure that Roma youths have a chance to acquire academic degrees.
All of our programs are tuition-free, but they are not created free of charge. Just like any other employers, Romaversitas has to pay for a dedicated workforce committed to social change.